
Kidney Disease in Cats

Kidney disease is much more common amongst cats than people realise.  Studies have showed that 1 in 3 cats suffer from this disease.  There are several reasons a cat can get kidney disease and it is difficult to spot.  Most cats show no signs until the disease is far advanced. Once the signs are present, there is already a great deal of kidney damage caused.  Fortunately, new progress in the veterinary field has made earlier detection of kidney disease easier in cats.

What is kidney disease?

Kidney disease, also called kidney failure, occurs when the kidneys fail to work properly.  Kidney disease can be classified as chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury in cats.  Chronic kidney disease happens over a period of time while acute kidney injury happens suddenly and both lead to deadly health risks for cats.

Some Common Causes of Kidney Disease

There are several factors may affect different age groups of cats and have different health effects.  Kidney disease are more common amongst older felines and it is advised that you have you cat tested more regularly as they age.

The infection of kidney tissue is one of the kidney diseases that are the easiest to treat.  Kidney stones caused by bacterial infection or genetics can cause kidney blockage that leads to kidney failure.

Toxins can harm a cat’s kidneys.  Antifreeze is a known culprit, but even the petals, pollen and leaves of certain flowers can cause severe kidney injury when cats lick or chew on it.  It is advised to do some research to avoid these toxic items from your home.

Unfortunately, some fancy cat breeds are hereditary for kidney disease.  This means some breed of cats are prone to contract this disease and must be tested on a regularly basis.  Persian cats are one of the breeds that tend to suffer from kidney disease as they age.

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